Provisional Temps
Complete Service: We can take your cases from diagnostic wax-up through provisional temps and finish them with a wide range of options for the final restorations.
Our standard provisional temps are fabricated with the TempSpan® Indirect system. Other systems and materials are available if you have another preference.
Strength: TempSpan® Indirect’s materials allow us to deliver extremely strong provisional restorations that provide durability and strength for long spans.
We offer wire or fiber reinforcement for long-span bridges if your case requires it.
Appearance: In addition to long-term durability, the materials provide advanced esthetics because it allows us to create temps in several shades.
Anterior temporaries can be produced with translucency at the incisal edges and TempSpan® Indirect Glaze increases stain resistance and provide a natural luster.
In addition to standard provisional temps, we can fabricate temps for implants and for special situations as well as temps to meet your expedited scheduling needs.
Send us your special requirements and see what it’s like to use a lab that takes your practice and your patients as seriously as you do.